Week Six Picks

Also like:
JETS -9.5 over Bills
FALCONS -3.5 over Bears
BUCS +3 over Panthers
PATRIOTS -9 over Titans
If forced to choose:
SEAHAWKS -3 over Cardinals
Eagles -14 over RAIDERS
Giants +3.5 over SAINTS
Broncos +3.5 over CHARGERS
JAGUARS -9.5 over Rams
Lions +13.5 over PACKERS
Texans +5 over BENGALS
Chiefs +6.5 over REDSKINS
Ravens +3 over VIKINGS
STEELERS -14 over Browns
Three Team Teaser of the Week:
JETS +.5 over Bills plus PATRIOTS +1 over Titans plus JAGUARS +.5 over Rams
Lock season record: 0-0
Really like season record: 3-3
Also like season record: 16-21
If forced to choose season record: 13-20
Teaser career record: 0-0
All games season record: 32-44
Mark Sanchez- debris..
How bout some Survivor blogging or something? Survivor debate > your football picks
OMG those picks are awful week in and week out.
No shit, Sherlock.
God mode > Vegas odds makers > Toph > Drunk Baggins > A two-sided coin > Playing Blackjack > Picking based on who would win in a battle of the mascots > A three-sided coin > Moon > PartyPoker Blackjack > Lighting money on fire
i like it when u make picks, moon. fuk the haters
One of your best comments ever Bag.
Glad I could provide inspiration.
Bag's comment has had me laughing for about 10 mins now. Ahhh, the wonderful world of sports betting. There's a reason Vegas makes shit tons of money, not everyone can be a fat ass loser blowhard with nothing interesting to say and pick 4 games a week with no spread then proclaim their superior football intellect, ala Chris Berman, Cris Carter, Tom Jackson, (insert name of shitty pregame football "analyst" here), etc.
On a related note, this Adam Schechter/Scheffler, Whateverthefuckhisworthlessnameis guy on ESPN lately, good god, he may spew the most worthless, Captain Obvious information I've ever heard in my life. He hasn't once had an original opinion and I swear he doesn't actually say anything. All he does is repeat the same shit SportsCenter has been saying for the past 2 hours, he just re-words it. I've never seen anyone as thoroughly worthless in his position, and I dare anyone to come up with a name.
The only guys I ever think have anything to say are Schlereth and Herbstreit... although I find opinion is divided (among my friends at least) on Schlereth.
**I probably misspelled every name I just typed, but I'm too lazy to check and I think you can tell who I'm talking about.
/end semi-rant & hi-jack
Skip Bayless knows his shit too.
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