Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Proud to Be at the Final Table

There was a defining moment with about 15 players left where I made a gigantic and correct laydown:

As reported on the Pokerstars blog:

Thomas Fuller, from the United States, raised to 20,000 from early position. From my railbird's perch I'd seen his pocket jacks. Julian asked how much he had behind, and Thomas counted out around 80,000. Julian bumped it up to 100,000, effectively putting Fuller all in, and after a couple of minutes' speech-play, the young American folded.

Ted Lawson led the other players in their guessing as to what Thomas had and he eventually showed them the hooks. Julian tapped the table in appreciation of the laydown and flashed pocket queens.

I was rewarded by making the final table a couple hours later. I was card dead all day but played tight, avoided coolers, and won the key coinflip to get to the final table with half an average stack.

There is one bad player at the final and the other seven are studs. Without naming names:

Vladimir Poleshchuk - Russia - 624,000
Julian Thew - England - 610,000
Denes Kalo - Hungary - 468,000
Manfred Hammer - Germany - 369,000
Anton Allemann - Switzerland - 254,000
Thierry van den Berg - Holland - PokerStars qualifier - 227,000
Thomas Fuller - USA - 190,000
Ted Lawson - USA - 81,000

The payout structure looks like this:

8th - €60,000
*My biggest score ever already!
7th - €83,600
*Filet and Flag
6th - €105,000
5th - €132,900
4th - €160,820
*Place my friend Nate dreamed two weeks ago I would finish
3rd - €225,000
2nd - €375,000
1st - €670,800
*The Lifechanger

eptlive.com is the place to follow the final table. I believe they even have free streaming video. It starts at 3 PM local time which is 7 AM MST. I guess my degen friends will probably be asleep but I imagine my mom will watch.

I was a nervous wreck all day but now with a good score locked up I feel relaxed and will go for first.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on the final table. Looking forward to see you take it down.

7:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good on ya Tom! Rip it up mate! And you're right, the coverage is pretty shithouse. Here's hoping EPTLive does a good job!


8:22 PM  
Blogger Chris Viox said...

You know I'll be watching w/ Matt. I would go with your blue shirt. You look and play best in blue. Just play your game and all the chips will come your way.

8:57 PM  
Blogger Jaheed said...

I can't watch it (fucking school.) but I will check up on you. Get some sleep and take that shit down.

10:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just rep that Jerry Yang Style!


10:02 PM  
Blogger Bag said...

PiMaster dishing out some style advice, hahaha. Good luck!

11:17 PM  
Blogger 81Trucolors said...

Take it down dude!

12:20 AM  
Blogger Jeremy said...

Go get 'em killer. I was following closely today. I won't be up until about an hour and a half after it starts by my count so here's hoping you'll have doubled your chips by then.

1:22 AM  
Blogger MandyMandie said...

Good luck!

6:00 AM  
Blogger Jeremy said...

So I kept miscalculating my mountain time to central time translations. I'll be watching from the get go.

6:35 AM  
Blogger . said...

gnight euro homos

8:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go Tom! Missed the 7-7 vs J-J hand but saw your A-10 vs J-9 hand live on the webcast. nice one sir! No sound here though, but the imagery is more than good enough!


8:34 AM  
Blogger Jaheed said...

win this so I have an excuse to call you again.

9:14 AM  
Blogger ben said...

on the fashion front, the picture that pokernews is using should totally replace all other stock images of you. its impishly evil and disarming at the same time - actually maybe you just look happy to make a big score - way to go dude.

10:43 AM  
Blogger Spencetron said...

how am I supposed to go to school with this going on? You are going to make me the worst lawyer ever.

10:46 AM  
Blogger ben said...

spence, you need to leave law school to pursue your phd, im not even not doing reading to keep track of this, though i will admit yesterdays action caused me to pay less attention to a lecture in matrix algebra that may hamper my academic development substantially.

10:56 AM  
Blogger nico said...

Tommy I will try to play as good as you every time I sit down now.

12:59 PM  
Blogger Spencetron said...

What a ride Tom! I'm sorry you didn't pull it out, but don't feel too bad. You did almost leave Europe a couple of weeks ago. Hope this makes the rest of your trip a little more comfortable.

12:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to play man... You played that final table as well as it could have been played.

1:10 PM  
Blogger Niko said...

I just finished watching the live feed of the final table. What a comeback ! I am so sorry that board didn't pair...Not much could be done tonight against Julian's hot run.

You can be proud of this 3rd place finish.

Nikko -france

2:38 PM  
Blogger Niko said...

I just finished watching the live feed of the final table. What a comeback ! I am so sorry that board didn't pair...Not much could be done tonight against Julian's hot run.

You can be proud of this 3rd place finish.

Nikko -france

2:39 PM  
Blogger Jaheed said...


5:32 PM  

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