The Retirement, Part II

It appears I am going back into retirement for the next couple months. It's become clear that the next two months will be better spent here in Boulder than on the road. I'll play occasionally online but probably not more than a few hours a week. I'm excited, to be honest. There are a lot of things a healthy 25 year-old can do in Boulder in the springtime.
They call it sabbatical.
Could end up being semi-permanent, we'll see.
I know you don't owe us anything, but an explanation as to why somebody who feels their game is really coming together would simply stop and take a couple of months away would really be nice.
I know you don't owe us anything, but an explanation as to why somebody who feels their game is really coming together would simply stop and take a couple of months away would really be nice.
He's trying to sabotage the POY pool. He sees me as too much of a threat right now.
The one word explanation is:
This guy's worse than Michael Jordan.
heh. have fun buddy.
See here or here
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