Thursday, August 28, 2008


I hate it when people whine in their blogs but here I go.

My physical health is excellent but my mental health is poor.

I think I am one of the most mature people I know but I think most of my friends think I am immature.

I am in the best shape of my life yet it is harder than ever for me to attract the opposite sex.

I lambast the Gambler for being so negative yet I feel myself becoming more like him every day.

My blog is often concerned with solutions to modern twentysomething suburban/gambling dilemmas yet I am the poster child for failing to overcome modern twentysomething suburban/gambling dilemmas.

I watch more poker on tv than ever before.

I play poker rarely.

The thing I love most in the entire world is girls.

The thing I hate most in the entire world is girls.


Blogger TheGraveWolf said...

My physical health is excellent but my mental health is poor.

***WHY is your mental health poor? As you mentioned, you are in great shape, you have financial freedom (more so than at LEAST 95% of people your age), you have a great group of friends. This may sound trite but perhaps you should be focusing on all the wonderful positives in your life.***

I think I am one of the most mature people I know but I think most of my friends think I am immature.

***I can only speak for myself but if I think you are immature it is only because, especially of late, you have been acting immature. Perhaps this is due to your funk.***

I am in the best shape of my life yet it is harder than ever for me to attract the opposite sex.

***Two schools of thought here. Either take the Trumie method and just go balls out meeting tons of different women. Use, use friends, use facebook to find old highschool friends/hotties. This method is not for everyone (def not for me).


Enjoy your life for what it is right now. Volleyball and softball, hanging out with friends, playing poker, going hiking, enjoying the beautiful weather - join a hiking club. Get involved in an Open Space clean up project. Volunteer somewhere. Find girls in the right places. Forget bars and crap like that. Don't try too hard and just see what happens.***

I lambast the Gambler for being so negative yet I feel myself becoming more like him every day.

***The problem with pity parties is that there is usually only one person attending.***

My blog is often concerned with solutions to modern twentysomething suburban/gambling dilemmas yet I am the poster child for failing to overcome modern twentysomething suburban/gambling dilemmas.

***Don't be so hard on yourself man. As I mentioned earlier, you have acheived a lot. You get to do what you want (this should not be underrated), you get to travel where you want, you have made multiple final tables of large buy-in prestigious events, you are secure financially, you own property, you are healthy. Your problems seem mainly psychological in my opinion.***

I watch more poker on tv than ever before.

***At least you probably DVR most of it thus skipping the commercials.***

I play poker rarely.

***Certainly an issue but not one I wish to focus on.***

The thing I love most in the entire world is girls.
The thing I hate most in the entire world is girls.

***In my opinion this whole post is about you wanting a girlfriend. Obviously there are a few other things in the mix but I think a lot of these issues/problems go away when you find a woman.

As you mentioned, it can be tough to find a suitable companion, very tough. But you need to work hard to not let that affect your daily outlook on life or let it affect the way you deal with your friends. If you act in a negative manner you will not attract the type of people I can tell you want in your life. Moon, when you are in the right frame of mind, you are one of my favorite people in the world to hang out with. You bring a lot to the table - let people see that every day. Break out of your funk. I have a lot more to say but will speak with you in person.***

Good luck.

11:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So many thoughts but better over beer.

One thing though:

Our circle of friends offers zero opportunities for dating. I love everyone, but this is why I don't hang out with them on some nights.

1:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you are 20 something maybe it's time to stop calling them girls. Once you see them as women your luck may change

12:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know why I reply or read your blog sometimes!

Christ you remind me even more now like that serial killer sitcom dude, Dextor!

Enjoy being single and do what you can do to live life NOW! Hookers man, hookers, just not with a penius unless your into that sort of thing, buuuuuwahahahaha!
(X-clamation point that, biatch!)

1:51 PM  
Blogger Jeremy said...

I feel you, it's pretty rough out there. I've been feeling a bit hopeless myself lately. There's really only two options though: suck it up or do something about it. Getting overly frustrated and feeling sorry for yourself definitely doesn't help. Of course it's a lot easier to give that sort of advice than to follow it.

6:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets see...

I just graduated

I have no job

I lost 2/3 of my bank roll as the WSOP

I have no girlfriend

I am riddled with self doubt

I am horribly out of shape for my standards

I win the crying in beer contest

10:57 PM  
Blogger Bored in St. George said...

This might sound ridiculous but do yourself a favor and check out the site You can at least sign up for the free emails they send out to their readers 2-3 times per week and the guy who runs it is a master at teaching how to pick up women. It sounds crazy but I started getting his emails when I was in college somehow and ACTUALLY BOUGHT his CD series to listen to and I can't even begin to tell you how much it helped me personally. Good luck man

12:07 PM  
Blogger LibertyBell said...

For whatever its worth I think the wolf has some great advice here. I very much agree with him, and it seems to apply for making friends as well as getting action.

From a woman's standpoint (or mine, anyways), its usually a huge attraction when a guy is able to make himself happy... and i mean that in the most basic sense... like, goes on hikes and plays softball, and is capable of being content on his own.

kind of random comment, several days after the post, but I like your blog. and i wanted to say hi. helllooooo


8:37 PM  

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