Lessons Learned From Michael Johnson and Usain Bolt

Usain Bolt, the fastest man in the history of the world, was discouraged from running the 100m because of his height (6' 5"). Tall men are generally not the quickest. But when given the chance, it was not long before he broke the world record.
The best in the world are often those who use a contrasting style, those who have unique abilities which take them above and beyond the accepted, standard "right" way to do things.
So Johnson's "non-optimal" form = Moon's style of folding obvious winners constantly yet somehow still making money? ;)
I thought whoever took the most steroids won in track and field?
I think the real lesson is that the shinier your shoes are the more successful you will be.
i belive michael jhonson is the best and he can break records now also because he is the best
i belive jhonson is the best because he is jhonson i love him
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