The Alive of Winter

Everything is going according to the plan. I have been working hard in every aspect of my life, and that labor is starting to pay off.
I was a slight winner in poker in January, which is notable because it was the first time I have ever finished in the black the first month of the year. It was encouraging to finish the month with a profit despite failing to cash in two $10ks, despite blowing another $10k in a satellite I should have won, despite crapping out late in several medium to large online tournaments.
In the past, I have had friends who I knew were going to break through on the tournament trail and hit it big. I was certain of this happening before it happened, and every time it did.
The last few weeks, I have developed this same belief about myself. My no limit game is razor sharp. It is not a matter of if; it is a matter of when and how much. It might not be this spring; it might not be this summer; but I know if I keep working as hard as I have been working the last month, it will all come in time.
I have so much going on in the next week it scares me. I have no idea where I will be, literally or mentally, in ten days. But I take comfort knowing I have so much to gain and so little to lose. One thing is for sure - it is better to have too much on your plate than not enough.
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Did you Rabbit Rabbit it at NYE? Do you credit the magic for your success in January?
Also, hope springs eternal. Pitchers and catchers report next week. If you are planning a sunshine trip through AZ, I'll be there Mid-march to catch some Reds games.
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