Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Seven Days of Goodness: Day Five

This evening I stopped by Boulder's Sunflower Market to grab a couple things on the way home. I had really forgotten what an awesome grocery store Sunflower is and was pleasantly reminded of their selection (ideal for chefs of every skill level, including the incompetent), prices (signifcantly lower than the average Boulder boutique supermarket), and generally jolly ambience. They have a neat holiday donation a special friend told me about where you can buy a bag of food for the food bank, so I did that.

I had some good ideas for the second deed involving a few different special friends and tried to implement a couple of them, but was sort of stymied. I'll have to get to those later. Instead, I ended up giving some money to the Volunteers of America to battle homelessness.

So far my deeds have been weighted towards cash donations, which certainly wasn't the impetus of the project. It's harder to find service-based donations on short notice than financial ones, but that's the long term goal: a consistent, mutually beneficial, service-based situation where the altruism won't be forced, where the giving will feel like receiving.


Blogger 81Trucolors said...

Amanda and I took part in a Habitat for Humanity build that was a lot of fun. You just need to bring gloves, that's it. No knowledge necessary.

6:05 PM  

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